05 February 2017

dog grooming in the summer

Summer is the best time to go on a beach vacation. It is the perfect season to bond with family on a picnic at the park. And you know what else is great about summer? It is the ideal time to have your dogs groomed. There are so many reasons why grooming is great in the summer so I summed it all up into three:

Preventive health care
Groomers are not substitute for a veterinarian but as they are more in contact with our dogs when they brush their hair, clean their ears, trim their nails and what not; groomers are more likely to notice signs of disease such as an unhealthy coat, skin irritations or any abnormality. It is the groomer’s responsibility to alert the owners and recommend that they bring the dog to a vet. Prevention is better than cure indeed!

Clean and healthy pet
People and dogs aren’t the only ones enjoying the summer heat. Ticks and fleas do too. Dog grooming in the summer is an effective way to get to the root of tick problems on your beloved canine. Getting their coats trimmed keeps them cooler and reduces ticks and flea hangout. Clean, healthy pets promote a clean, healthy home.

Jolly, happy dog
This is more logical that scientific. Groomed dogs generally will feel refreshed, happy, playful and less aggressive. This point out that grooming can improve dog’s mental health and show our pets that they are cared for. Happy dogs simply mean happy owners!


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